Markus' Heavy Music Blog

My world of music - est. 2013

CD review RAUBTIER "Bärsärkargång"

Veröffentlicht am 15. Februar 2016 von Markus W. in Raubtier, Rammstein, Sabaton, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Industrial, CD Review, News

(5/10) Even though Raubtier makes you think about being a band from Germany the trio is based in Sweden.

The three-piece have released four records that have been quite successful in their home country. Top 10 positions and gold records have been the achievements so far and I could imagine that the new album will not change this appreciation.

Outside Sweden Raubtier is far less well known and also here I think that the album will not change a lot. The main reason for not being more successful abroad are the Swedish vocals. As a metal fan, not having sufficient command of the Swedish kanguage, the lyrics feel strange and you have to get used to it. But also the songs miss the thrilling factor.

Raubtier combines, as on the predecessors, industrial sounds with thrash elements by adding a lot of pathos as we know it from Sabaton. Such a mixture could be really interesting and when I heard the album I had to think more than once about Raubtier being the mean little brother of Rammstein.

However, in the end I think that the songs on "Bärsärkargång" are a bit over the edge. It's too much of everything and I got the feeling that things are rather artificially build-up that organically grown. You could get the impression that a lot of things have been done by purpose more than by passion. It's all surface with too little meat.

Some 'less is more' would have been benefitial. 





  1. Bärsärkargång
  2. Bothniablod
  3. Den Sista Kulan
  4. Levande Död
  5. Tropaion
  6. Brännmärkt
  7. Hymn
  8. Förvildad
  9. Prätorian
  10. Genom Allt
  11. Röd Snö
  12. Lejonhjärta


Label: Despotz

Genre: Industrial/Thrash Metal

Release Date EU: January 19th, 2016



CD review RAUBTIER "Bärsärkargång"